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Ablation Specialist

Nile Women's Health Care

OBGYNs & Certified Midwives located in Roswell, GA & Johns Creek, GA

If you have excessive uterine bleeding that disrupts your daily routine and interferes with your quality of life, you may be a candidate for endometrial ablation. The providers at Nile Women's Health Care in Roswell and Suwanee, Georgia, offer this procedure to help you find relief from abnormal bleeding and pelvic pain. Call to book an appointment and find out more about ablation or schedule online today.

Ablation Q & A

What is ablation?

Ablation, or endometrial ablation, is a minor surgical treatment that helps reduce abnormal menstrual bleeding. During the procedure, the doctor removes a portion of your uterine lining (endometrium) to provide you relief.

Ablation is minimally invasive and uses heat energy to destroy the excess endometrial tissue and lining.

Who should consider ablation?

If you have heavy menstrual bleeding that negatively affects your comfort and quality of life, you may consider ablation as a solution. The procedure restores your control over your body, something you may feel you’ve lost due to abnormal bleeding.

Even after ablation, some women may also need to start hormone therapy to prevent new tissue growth.


Endometrial ablation isn’t right for everyone, however. Following ablation, you can no longer become pregnant. If you still want to add to your family, explore alternative therapies to address excessive bleeding.


The doctors at Nile Women’s Health Care advise against endometrial ablation if you have an active infection, an IUD, or possible uterine cancer. Your specialist discusses the pros and cons of endometrial ablation before you decide if it’s right for you.

What happens during an ablation?

Before your appointment, the team at Nile Women’s Health Care tests you for pregnancy. They then administer local anesthesia to your cervix and the surrounding area to ensure you’ll remain comfortable throughout the procedure.

Your provider opens your cervix so they can slide a slim wand through to your uterus. This wand holds a triangular netted device that expands to meet your uterine walls and delivers carefully controlled energy to destroy your endometrial tissue.


The entire ablation takes just about 90 seconds to complete. The doctor then withdraws the netting and removes the wand from your body.

What is recovery like following ablation?

In the first few hours after your procedure, you may have some cramping and discomfort. Over-the-counter pain medications can help ease this pain.

Your specialist advises you to avoid getting into a bath or pool for the rest of the day, though showering is just fine.

You will need to wait four full weeks before resuming sexual activity or tampon use.


Schedule your consultation with Nile Women’s Health Care to learn more about ablation. Call one of the locations or book an appointment online today.